What's in this blog? Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

"Mankind is terrified of silence, is uncomfortable in the quiet, is this the reason they need so much going on around them that is noisy? "

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pilates and Hearing Aids

I decided after my my last Diabetes checkup to off my ass and do something about my lack of physical activity. My A1C has been creeping up and is now too high. I spend most of work week driving or sitting in front of computer. More pills and shots are not the answer for me.

What to do? After considerable research I decided to take up Pilates. IThe Round Rock YMCA has a small group class twice a week at 0730 that works well with my schedule. I recently completed the first five week course successfully. Pilates is NOT as easy as it looks. Slowly but surely I am working through some joint issues and recovering some of the flexibility and strength that I have lost due to a sedentary life style, injuries, Arthritis and age.  The next step is to add a couple of morning sessions in the pool to the routine. The second session starts next week and I am looking forward to it.  

What this have to do with my hearing aids? Simple, I can hear the instructor. I realize now that I stopped doing some thing simply because I could not hear what the instructor was saying. It's easy to understand why some folks with a severe hearing lose could withdraw from many activities that we take for granted.

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